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  • Writer's pictureCoco

Better Plan on Action

The last month of 2020.

How many of you have done something accordingly?

If did, Bravo!

If not, I'm with you.

It's still too early to say, but my 2020 is definitely "hectic" and "full of learning."

I am frustrated in discovering the huge gap between my perspective and reality. I'm not sure this is because of COVID or not. I am constantly struggling to prioritize and not be overwhelmed by my tasks. I don't know when and with what to start. When all is said and done, I have all these loose ends still there, having never really finished anything.

Realizing this pattern, it became apparent that I need to plan to improve this to maximize efficient use of my time?

My 2021 resolution mantra is "organize and discipline." (I am good at organizing the stuff, by the way, but like this. LOL)

So my discipline is

1) Organize my tasks and put them into my task reminder.

2) Use the alarm to let me know how long to focus on one thing and know when to move on to the next. It takes time to finish something, but taking too much time on one thing doesn't work well. I need to focus my effort toward my goals then know when to move on, especially when the brain gets tired and stops being efficient.

3) Be flexible. If I need to "hit the snooze" on my alarm, it is okay. I can allow for this as long as I have a clear picture of it, and then I need to be reasonable with how much more time to spend so I don't over-commit towards just one task.

It's easy to fall into an emotional downhill when I am overwhelmed. However, my motto is always; I don't compare to other people, but to do my own personal best and be compassionate. I'll challenge myself and be proud of myself for trying when I'm winning but also when I'm struggling.

Lately more obvious, my state of mind has been ungrounded, floating, agitated, anxious, and overwhelmed. I need self-care that calm and soothing for my soul. I created the synergy (essential oil blend) and made a personal inhaler using a mix of the essential oils below:

  • Frankincense

  • Patchouli

  • Sweet Orange

To use, I deeply inhale through the nose and exhale from the mouth a few times for meditation and as many times as I needed it during the day.

I hope these thoughts help you with your own manifestations, and I hope your 2021 is bright and warm to follow.

Stay healthy and safe.

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