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  • Writer's pictureCoco

Allergy Remedy

Have you started noticing seasonal allergy symptoms lately? I have! Today, I want to tell you about my experience of allergy and the first interaction of aromatherapy.

I've started having a seasonal allergy for several years. It happened nowhere. My running nose didn't stop for three days, even though I took benzoyl. Then I learned that lavender essential oil stopped my running nose right after application. It was the first contact with aromatherapy in my life.

However, I didn't pursue learning aromatherapy more. I took over the counter drug Claritin recommended by one of my clients instead. My symptoms were not severe, so I didn't take them regularly but tried not to run out in the medicine cabinet for a couple of years. Then I dived into the aromatic world and hooked madly. Aromatherapy (essential oils) became my first aid and taking care of my allergy symptoms, as well.

I think some of you have heard about this formulation, and it works magically. My boyfriend also has an allergy. He used to get a shot every week. One day, he was complaining of itchy eyes, and I had him sniff the personal inhaler. 15 minutes later, I asked how he was feeling. He had no idea why I asked. So the symptom was gone, and he forgot he had it. LOL, He has carried the inhaler with him since then.

The formulation I use is Lavender essential oil, Lemon essential oil, and Spearmint essential oil, and usually, Peppermint essential oil is taken place.

Lavender Essential Oil is Mixing those essential oils and soaks into organic cotton, inserting the inhaler, and using as you need. Say goodbye to itchiness, congestion, and support your immune system. :)

You can still smell the aroma, but it is going to fade it. Especially if you want to eliminate/reduce unpleasant symptoms, I highly recommend renewing every 4-6 weeks.

We still wear a face mask, which helps my allergy, but my aromatic inhaler definitely reduces symptoms. :)

By the way, I made an appointment for my first vaccine. I hope everything is okay!

Stay safe and healthy,


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