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  • Writer's pictureCoco

Aromatic Approach for Seasonal Allergy

Hi! I can't believe it's already the third month of 2022. How's everything going with you?

I slowly recovered from a hectic tax file process, then soon after, I suffered from seasonal allergy symptoms. Ugh,

But now I know how to minimize the symptoms with aromatherapy! (I'm hanging a personal inhaler on my neck. LOL) I always remembered my first seasonal allergy symptoms about 10 years ago. I suddenly started having a running nose. It went on for 2 days straight.

I didn't know what to take, so I asked a pharmacist who told me Benadryl. This guy only knocked me down and didn't work for my symptoms. Around my nose started irritated and peeling off from too many brow noses. I finally put tissue into my nostrils incident (it's true!)

I was hopeless, but I had to do something; otherwise, I couldn't go back to work (you know, performing extraction required to face down position.) I googled and decided to try a "Holistic Remedy."

I learned that Lavender essential oil is known as nature's antihistamine and relieves allergy symptoms. The greatest coincident was I had a bottle of lavender essential inside the cabinet (I wouldn't store it there if I knew about aromatherapy!)

I put some lavender oil on Q-tip, then put it into my nose (try not to breathe during the time) and rubbed gently. All of a sudden, my running nose stopped! Lavender oil dried out the mucus without over-drying.

Honestly, I couldn't believe what had happened.

The natural remedy is not a 100% guarantee, and it's not for everyone, But This incident made me want to enter the aromatherapy field.

Here is a personal inhaler recipe for a seasonal allergy remedy I make every year. It works for shed animal allergies (My sister has a cat; I love him, but my body can't stand it without this inhaler). Try it!

An equal part or approx about 4 -5 drops each of

  • Lavender essential oil

  • Peppermint essential oil

  • Lemon essential oil

Put into the small glass bowl and soak into inhaler stick or cotton pad (organic is even better), then put into the personal inhaler or keep in the glass bowl and sniff it.

Happy aromatic self-care!

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