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  • Writer's pictureCoco

Be Kind of Your Skin and Yourself

This blog is for people who have experienced breakouts that brought negative impacts mentally.

Sixteen years ago, I started having breakouts. Within six months, my breakouts were all over my face. It took me two and a half years to clear up—one of the darkest and most painful times in my life.

I was like you. I've tried to eliminate my skin issues: "must-have" products and treatments by SPA, where I worked at that time, saw a dermatologist and used prescription drugs, etc. It didn't work on my skin or was too harsh and gave adverse skin reactions. As an esthetician advising treatment and daily skincare, I wondered how to convince clients that my skincare advice was valid when I looked into their eyes. It built more stress than affected my skin.

My journey was relatively challenging to find out what my skin needs at each stage of acne conditions. I had frustration, low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression during the time. Then I learned that taking care of my mental health was also necessary to overcome this journey.

Even the proper care takes time to show improvement. I started focusing on the healing area and appreciated undamaged spots instead of looking at the affected areas. Surprisingly, I witnessed it helped fasten the healing process.

The skin is part of me, but at this moment, I treat my skin like my friend. Imagine if you had a hard time, your friends or family only pointed out negative things or told you it's not good enough. I encouraged my skin instead.

Our body (skin), mind, and soul connect. You need to listen to what your skin needs and give your skin some rest. Too many layers of harsh products and aggressive hand motions slow down the healing process. Take a look at your lifestyle and well-being in holistic ways. You might find a cause.

Love and Light,



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