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Embracing 2024: Setting Skincare Goals for a Fresh Start

Hey there! With the New Year knocking at our door, it's that time when we think about resolutions. But let's be honest; sometimes, planning for the year ahead can feel overwhelming, right? Do you ever get that mix of excitement and uncertainty?

Amidst all this buzz, let's take a breather! Deep breaths work wonders when things get a bit too much. Stress triggers many body responses, but taking slow, intentional breaths can help us feel more centered. Plus, have you tried essential oils? They're like tiny mood boosters!

Essential oil synergy is when you combine a few oils to create this powerhouse of goodness. It's like combining your favorite ingredients to make a super smoothie! Using a blend of Lavender, Ylang ylang, Bergamot, Sandalwood, and Spearmint has been my go-to for calming those jittery moments. Trust me, it's like having a little oasis in your pocket.

Let's jot down some intentions and clear-cut goals as we enter the New Year. I've also whipped up another blend – this time, it's Lemongrass, Sweet Orange, and Peppermint. This one's my secret sauce for those bursts of creativity!

Let's make these blends our buddies for the year, adding a sprinkle of calm and a dash of inspiration to our days. Here's to a year filled with glowing skin, awesome goals, and good vibes!

Warm wishes


Skincare Coach and Formulator

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