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  • Writer's pictureCoco

Emotional Support Synergy

My boyfriend and I were supposed to fly to Japan last month. However, the flight got canceled because of the virus in China

It was hectic preparing to visit Japan, and now we have no idea when I could see my mom. My mind is everywhere, and hard to concentrate, which gives me negative thoughts, anxiety, and frustration.

I desperately needed emotional support, and it's time to create the essential oil synergy. The synergy is to combine 3-5 essential oils. The chosen essential oils are based on your goal (e.g., support emotion or other organ systems, etc.) I needed to inhale it and did yoga and meditation! I combined:

  • Sweet Fennel Essential Oil

  • Grapefruit Essential Oil

  • Cardamon Essential Oil

Core Indications of emotion/psyche are:

  • Sweet Fennel - Feeling of being stuck, Unexpressed thoughts or emotions, Tension, Fear or inhibition of expressing self, Creative blocks

  • Grapefruit - Agitation, Depression, Irritability, Stress-related conditions, anxiety

  • Cardamon - Depression, Poor concentration, lack of vital energy

I have a nebulizing diffuser. Within five minutes, the aroma filled in the room, which led me to calm yet energized and clear my mind. I concentrated on a positive sense even though I still had a hard time throughout the day.

Stay Home and Stay Healthy.


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