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  • Writer's pictureCoco

How to Avoid Chapped Lips

I love winter, but I have to admit that I get chapped lips quickly if I don't take care of them properly.

Lips are one of the thinnest skin in our body. But it's hard to keep moisturize in delicate skin areas where dryness, itchiness, or irritation occur.

When the lips get dry, they become susceptible to the environment because there are no oil glands to prevent them from getting chapped.

We all know that chapstick helps! However, do you know when you should use chapstick?

You need to use it BEFORE your lips get dry! It's kind of too late to retain enough moisture once the lips get dried out. Prevention is the key!

And there are some tips;

1) UV protection for all seasons

It doesn't matter what season it is; UV rays exist as long as the sun exists. Snow reflects sunlight and can burn (snow burn) your skin. Make sure your chapstick has UV protection.

Only three ingredients! Honey, Olive oil, and Wrap.

1) Mix honey: olive oil = 2: 1, apply it and wrap with the Wrap for about 7 to 10 minutes.

2) Pick gentle chapstick (I recommend something simple. No fragrance, no coloring, and no paraffin).

It's easy! Right?

Happy Skincare and self-care!


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