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  • Writer's pictureCoco

How to Maintain Your Skin

Happy New Year! I wish your greater health and happiness to follow this year.

I assume most of you didn't have a chance to take care of your skin professionally since last year,

How is your skin? Have you noticed any differences in your skin condition when the weather was shifting?

There are too many headaches when to see our skin's issue, such as dark circles, dryness, pimples, etc... Ugh.

How many products do you apply to your skin each time? Using too many products (5 and up) at once would aggressive and ultimately abusive to the skin, creating adverse reactions. It's just too much for your skin!

I want to talk about how to maintain the skin. Your skin care regimen should be easy to follow. Not everybody needs to know skin anatomy. Still, if you understand the logic of the skin, maintenance is going to be much more comfortable. Here are some ideas to help you along the way to beautiful, healthy-looking skin.

  • You don't need to switch your entire daily skincare products every season. Only consider changing your cleanser or moisturizer, or perhaps add serum/oil. Unfortunately, using the same products doesn't always leave your skin feeling/looking the same. To see and feel your skin and change when necessary.

  • Have you noticed your skin gets oilier and more pimply about a week before your moon cycle starts? Then on an actual day, the skin gets dehydrated and maybe dries out. Hormonal cycles influence a woman's body over time. The skin, the largest organ of the body, changes substantially as a woman passes through the primary phases of the life-cycle – puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Yet, the skin also changes in response to daily fluctuations within one menstrual cycle. Exfoliation (removes dead skin cells) is a better idea before a period, and well-hydrated skin during a period is vital. (By the way, if you see a pimple on your skin, do not use a scrub. You don't want to spread bacteria.

  • If your skin quickly reacts to a new product containing oil, don't try during your period. Try a couple of days after the last day of the period and avoid a week before your period. (some say two weeks before). Your hormone gradually balances out after a period, and the skin can adjust to the new product without adverse reaction. If your skin still has a negative response, then this product is not suitable for you. Knowing the right time to try out a new product is important to have healthy skin.

If you are not sure what your skin needs or want to make sure you use the right products for your skin, I am happy to help you! Every skin is different. You can define YOUR skin. :)

Please check my "Work with Me" page to learn more!

Stay safe and healthy!

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