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How to Prevent a Cold/Flu

How's everything going with you?

Previously I mentioned, I was supposed to visit Japan this February, but the flight got canceled. At that moment, everyone felt sorry for us. Still, non of us thought NYC was in danger. NY got locked down on March 26th. It's already May, and we have no idea how long it lasts.

Some people believe Covid-19 is a deadly virus, and others think it's like flu. I don't want to debate this right now. I want to focus on preventing us from getting sick and visiting the doctor's office where overwhelmed by Covid patients now.

We already know how important to wash our hands and gargle when we get home to prevent catching a cold. I'd like to share some helpful tips that will help you avoid the flu, as well.

1) Cover your neck, wrists, and ankles: Your immune system gets weak when your body temperature is low. Your body loses heat as long as your neck, wrists, and ankles are not covered. It doesn't matter how many layers you are wearing.

2) Open the curtains during the day and close after sunset: Get sunlight into your room and make sure that the window glass is clean. Use thick curtains to keep the warm air. The flu virus doesn't like heat. However, do not overheat your room; otherwise, it'll put your body in shock when you go outside.

3) Use a humidifier: The flu virus likes low temperatures and dryness. In high heat and humidity, a flu virus dies in a few hours. 50-60% of the moisture is optimal.

4) Take cough drops: When your respiratory system gets dry, it's easy to get an infection. Keep your throat lubricated with a lozenge. Choose a brand containing honey. It has antiseptic properties. * I like Ricola even not containing honey...

5) Gargle with tea: Catechin in tea fights infection. My mom uses green tea, but I heard that black tea also works.

Here is a non-alarmist article I found that has some information about the current flu epidemic.

Take good care of yourself.

Stay home and healthy!

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