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  • Writer's pictureCoco

New Year's Resolutions

A Happy New Year!

I hope your 2022 is in great health, and many, many happy returns to follow!

Have you set up new year's resolutions? Do you know many people are signing up for a gym or yoga studio in January? It's always good to start to the beginning of the year. However, I believe we can set up the resolution anytime such as;

  • At the beginning of any month or week, or quarterly,

  • Your birthday,

  • Any anniversaries.

As long as you can feel "reset," it's always good to go!

When trying a new thing, indeed, it takes time to get used. If you find it challenging to stick with whatever you decide to do, find your pattern and allow you to skip it, then go back to the track. The best scenario would be having someone you can tell your progress or cheer you up. If you don't have, find your pace, stick with it until you feel comfortable.

The most important is consistency, and you get to keep going until you reach the goal.

In my virtual skincare session, some of my clients faced challenges with their new skincare approach. Whatever the reason, they skipped a step that made them feel a failure and wanted to give up. I understand that feeling, and it's normal! I told them, "If you skipped day 3, you could keep skipping every three (3) days! You can set it up for your routine based on your pattern. Once you get used to or feel more comfortable doing that, you would eventually do longer period without feeling stressed."

That is what I experienced from my nighttime stretching! I realized it always came up something that made me skip almost every few days. LOL. So I decided to ease myself and skip or do another shorter one instead of feeling bad about it. It's been over a year, and I can see the difference in my body because I didn't quit. During a year, I started from 10 minutes then now 30 minutes. I focus on not quitting and not comparing to someone but myself. :D

I hope it cheers you up for your resolutions!

Love and Light,


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