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  • Writer's pictureCoco

Removing Dead Skin Cells

Have you felt your skin different after summer?

No? Maybe it's a bit too early to say, but it's almost the time to treat your skin. Good exfoliation definitely helps your tired skin to recover from summer.

Exfoliation means removing your dead skin cells.

If your complexion is getting dull, this means you have a layer of dead skin on top of your fresh skin. Even though you may spend money on expensive toner/moisturizer, it doesn't penetrate your skin well. 

Our skin renews itself about every 28 days, but aging, hormones, and the environment can make this cycle longer.  That's why there are many anti-aging products that contain AHA. Make sense?

I know it feels nice after exfoliation your skin! However, exfoliating every morning and evening is too much on the skin. It's easy to over-exfoliate your skin and lead to skin sensitivity or unexpected tightness. 

It applies the combination of products, as well. Some anti-aging products use AHA, which has an exfoliating effect. Even though each product contains a small amount of AHA, multiple-use make a negative skin impact.  

If the skin started having small white bumps, it might be from over-exfoliation. Give your skin a little break!

In my opinion, using an actual exfoliating product once a week in the evening. Then deep exfoliate from a skincare specialist every month if it's necessary. - We have to wait until the pandemic is over or undercontrolled.

I don't recommend exfoliating your skin in the morning. Our skin renewed in the evening. If you exfoliate it, the skin loses its natural protection and makes your skin sensitive. There is no point in exfoliating. Plus, we have to deal with a face mask that creates micro-abrasions which unexpected exfoliation.

Also, after exfoliation, making sure that your skin gets enough hydration. Otherwise, many anti-aging products contain skin that became dehydrated and created fine lines.

Let's take care of your skin and prepare for another season.

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