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  • Writer's pictureCoco

Skincare and Mindset

“What to do with skincare and mindset?” I know! This blog is my experience of how gratitude and a positive mindset affect the skin. I hope it helps to change your perspective on your daily skincare and something in your life.

Find gratitude even in small.

Some of you know I had suffered from painful cystic acne, which caused me to give up a social life and depression and anxiety. Every day I fought to go out to work where I needed to take care of other people's skin. After many attempts, tries, and errors in taking care of my skin, I changed an approach focusing on small healing or unaffected areas to appreciate and cheer them up. I noticed my skin slowly started healing without flaring up.

Still, I have light scars on my jar line but barely notice.

Is it human nature or what Society taught us? We tense to seek not satisfied and look for what we don’t have. I was guilty. Even after overcoming my acne journey, my brain started focusing on my sunspots which had already sitting on my cheeks, and I forgot their existence during breakouts. It took two and a half years, then my brain forgot and was ready for another pain. What's wrong with me??

It’s okay to point out what you don’t love. Just don't be obsessed about it. Focus on an area/something you love or are proud of instead.

My sunspots are too old and a combination of melasma. I decided to live with them and managing not to get them darker. Still, there is no guarantee of advanced treatment work.

I embrace who I am and focus on how healthy my skin looks.

Change your perspective

Imagine if someone gives you constant pressure or too many tasks and expects quick results. It's hard to bring your best. Right? Why don't you treat your skin like a friend in your skincare? It’ll be slow to see the results, but definitely, you'll see a positive response! Be kind and have gratitude, and work together. :)

Have you experienced that your positive mindset influence positive outcomes, not only for skincare but also in your daily life? Please let me know. :)

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Love and Light,


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