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  • Writer's pictureCoco

The Story of My Skin and Belief

Have you experienced when your skin is glowing, you feel confident in yourself. When you have physical pain, your skin doesn't look great. Then when you are stressed, your skin complex is dull or lifeless. I guess you can mane more. These are just some examples, but you know that the skin, body, and mind are connected.

I've been giving over 8000 facials in the past 15 years and caring for people's skin. However, I still need to be humble because I learned that the practical approach couldn't help their skin but also needs an intentional daily skincare approach that plays a role in healing and healthy skin conditions. That's why I fell in love with aromatherapy and became a certified aromatherapist.

My unforgettable experience

Before I became an esthetician, I ordered skincare products and picked the package deal that saved a shipping fee. LOL However, it's a pain in the butt when only one of the products ran out, and the rest of them are still enough amount. I used to run a pharmacy and bought emergency replacements, whatever I needed.

One day, the cleanser ran out. I went to the store, but my emergency cleanser wasn't there. I decided to use another one of the same brands. I thought no biggie. At that time, I was exhausted and stressed by my new dream job (yay! esthetician!) and lazy about my daily skincare routine. Six months later, I noticed my skin started having breakouts and cystic acne that spread almost on the entire face.

I felt embarrassed and shame that I was a skin care specialist, but I can't control my breakout. I had anxiety about whether my clients were looking at my skin or didn't want to get skincare advice from someone who can't manage her breakouts. I stayed away from social life, and only commute and errands had me go out.

Dermatologists gave me drugs, but they didn't work. A regular facial was too harsh for my upsetting skin. My co-workers constantly asked what happened to my skin. I got depressed and once asked a manager to take a break. However, she didn't allow me and suggested wearing a face mask instead. Actually, it reduced my anxiety during working with my clients.

I'd researched and experimented with treating my skin. I learned so much about the skin. However, almost every approach failed. I switched to focus on the clear area on my skin instead of the infected area. When I saw the healing area, I felt grateful for my skin. The skin is a part of me, but I treated it like another person. Imagine someone always picks your weakness or expects you to do something better every single day. It puts you under pressure. Right? If someone gives you too many tasks and expects to show quick results. You got overwhelmed and frustrated. Right? Basically, I did to my skin and got stressed when I didn't see the quick result. Stress slows down the healing process, by the way.

Surely, I treated my skin practically without an intense approach. Then focused on a positive mind and intentional skincare routine instead of blaming my breakouts. I noticed that my skin started responding better. This unforgettable event took two years and a half to clear out my skin. I really wish I could know about aromatherapy at that time that supports my emotional and physical (breakouts) pain, and it would be a shorter journey.

What I believe

Skincare is often underestimated by society, but my experience is the key to my belief that skincare and self-care (healthy well-being) affect each other equally and are vital.

Do you love your current daily skincare? Let me know!

Love and Light,


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