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Work with Me

Discover the personalized approach that redefines your daily skincare routine as both practical and purposeful.

At Aromatic Rituasl, we understand that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't suit everyone. That's why our founder, Coco, stands at the helm. As a licensed esthetician and certified aromatherapist, Coco leverages her expertise as your personal skincare trainer, dedicated to transforming your skincare routine into a practical and intentional experience that leaves you feeling incredible inside and out.


Benefit from Coco's wealth of knowledge and experience to tailor a skincare regimen that's uniquely crafted for you. Together, we'll navigate the intricate landscape of skincare, ensuring that every step of your routine serves a specific purpose, nurturing your skin and enhancing your overall well-being.

Elevate your daily skincare rituals with personalized guidance from Coco. Let's embark on this journey together towards radiant and empowered skin.

Your daily skincare is
the ultimate in your self-care

Skincare often gets underestimated or has a negative impression. 

However, you know that your skin and mind connect.

When you start treating your skin practically, mindfully, and intentionally, your skin makes a positive response.  I want you to have this experience.


No More Games

You don't need to "guess" for your skincare. You and I discuss your top skincare concerns and goals. Then I analyze your skin and review your current skincare products. I teach you practical and mindful techniques and step-by-step approaches to create personalized skincare rituals.


It takes time to digest information and get the proper techniques. The total session number would vary depending on the topic.

But no worry. Consistency is mostly the key, and you'll get there.

I got you.

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You are the one who takes care of your skin every single day

However, many people get confused about their skincare and are frustrated finding the proper skincare routine for their skin. It should be simple and effective. Also, skincare is the ultimate in self-care - It's an opportunity to connect yourself as a ritual.


I'm here to help you clarify your daily skincare and teach with a practical and mindful approach.

Which are you familiar with?

Person Looking at Laptop

Figuring out by yourself?

You've done too much.

Stressed Woman

Spending too much time, money, and energy?

You cared about your skin!

Beautiful Nature

Feeling like you get lost in the skincare jungle?

You need someone to tell you what to do and get out of the skincare jungle!

Skincare has no quick result, and it's a life-long journey. But the right approach will give you a prize.
You feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and confused by too many products and beauty tips that

make you think you got lost in the skincare jungle.  
You need someone to show the map and navigate to get out of the skincare jungle,

check that your skincare on the right track.

Yoga Pose
Running in Sydney

Quick examples


Using a fancy yoga mat doesn't automatically improve your practice.  It requires daily practice and doing the poses correctly.


Wearing nice running shoes doesn't make you a sprinter.  It requires improving your running form & pace.


Don't get me wrong.

Products do help.


But you can't rely on only products without a practical, intentional, and consistent approach.​




One-on-One Zoom Session

30 minutes ($79)


Digital Reading

Topic to choose

Cover 1-2 topics per session and require continuous sessions depending on the topic.


  • Clear up your skincare wondering and stay clear on your skincare journey.

  • Learn how to use your product in practical and intentional ways

  • Discuss your current daily skincare concerns and goal

  • Check up and correct your daily skincare routine

  • Learn how to use your products (up to 4 per session) practically and intentionally.

  • Learn facial massage/exercises

  • Create a personalized skincare approach


No limit!


Practical & Intentional

You can learn practical and intentional skincare approaches

based on your current products.


Real-time Checking & No One-Size-Fits-All Approach

Self-practice like YouTube doesn't answer your questions,

and we can re-evaluate the approach if needed.


Only Focus on Your Skin

Embrace a new normal. It doesn't matter if your socks don't match or

you wear PJs at the bottom, and respect the products you choose.


Save Your Time

The virtual session saves your time for transportation, and

no need to wear make-up again after the session (except you need it).

How you feel now


  • Overwhelmed & confused by too many skincare products.

  • Not sure whom to trust to ask for your skincare?

  • Frustrated that the product didn't work as you expected.

  • Lost in analysis paralysis.


How you want to feel


  • Confidence in your daily skincare approach

  • Clarify your skin needs

  • Create your personalized skincare routine

  • In control to choose the products without drama


Get confident and comfortable in your skincare and Feel amazing inside and out.

Coco is fun to work with, still professional.  I learned I gave harsh time on my skin. But now my skin looks and feels so much healthier. 

Thanks, Coco!


- Heather S,

She is informative about my products and what to use for my skin. I used too many similar products at the same time, and no one told me that.  Thanks for your help!

- Nicole

I was shocked that my skincare knowledge was outdated. I'm eager to learn and how to treat my skin from now on. 

I'll come back soon.


- Asuka Y

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I am a personal skincare trainer. 

You and I work together on How your daily skincare gets legit, Why it's vital to the proper skincare, What you need to do to get the daily skincare practical, and What you need to learn to treat your skin like a boss.

This isn't for you if

You have self-accountability and enjoy searching by yourself




You don't need my help.

Keep up with it!



You prefer to use cutting-edge technology or someone doing for you


Saving up money and go for it!

Please do your research and wish you luck!



Simply, you expect something greater change with bare minimal effort with quick results

There is no bare minimum effort and quick solution in real life. Consistency is the key to achieving the goal

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